🏅 Presidential Volunteer Service Award Recipients 🏅
As we continue to recognize the outstanding achievements of our cadets, today we are proud to showcase those who have earned the Presidential Volunteer Service Award! This prestigious award honors cadets and mentors who have dedicated significant volunteer hours. The award is divided by age group and based on the number of hours and the types of service completed.
Teen Category:
– 🥇 c/Captain Mistretta – GOLD Award (283.75 hours)
– 🥇 c/Sergeant Combs – GOLD Award (244.50 hours)
– 🥇 c/Corporal Corbett – GOLD Award (171.5 hours)
– 🥇 c/Sergeant R. Gentry – GOLD Award (145 hours)
– 🥉 c/Lieutenant Estrada – BRONZE Award (56.75 hours)
– 🥈 Cadet K. Gentry – SILVER Award (97.75 hours)
Adult Category:
– 🥈 Volunteer Mentor Emily Mistretta – SILVER Award (337.75 hours)
– 🥉 Lead Mentor Sergeant Mistretta – BRONZE Award (107.5 hours)
We are incredibly proud of these cadets and mentors for their hard work and dedication to serving the community! 👏
#AcworthCadets #PresidentialVolunteerServiceAward #CommunityService #CadetAchievements #VolunteerRecognition