🚨 Exciting News from the Acworth Cadets! 🚨

As several of our cadets recently aged out or stepped away from the program to focus on college, we’ve had the opportunity to open up several leadership positions and promote within our unit. Today, we’re thrilled to announce the following promotions:

⭐ Cadet Justin Reaid has been promoted to the new position of Junior Assistant Mentor. He will assist mentors with training new cadets and help plan scenarios.

⭐ Cadet Alexis Mistretta has been promoted to Captain, where she will assume the role of our Lead Cadet.

⭐ Cadet Mikayla Estrada has been promoted to Lieutenant. She will oversee the unit secretary duties, recruiting, and record-keeping.

⭐ Cadet Kamara Padilla has been promoted to Lieutenant. He will take on the role of Operations, responsible for training, drill, honor guard, and overseeing the Squad Leaders.

⭐ Cadet Weston Maynard has been promoted to Sergeant. He will serve as the Bravo Squad Leader.

⭐ Cadet Jordan Green has been promoted to Corporal. She will serve as the Alpha Assistant Squad Leader.

⭐ Cadet Carter Corbett has been promoted to Corporal. He will serve as the Bravo Assistant Squad Leader.

We’re incredibly proud of each of these youth leaders for stepping up to take on their new roles. We wish them the best of luck as they continue to shine and make us all proud. Looking forward to their leadership! Congratulations!

#AcworthCadets #YouthLeadership #Promotion #Congratulations