Cadets, please watch this video. Please make sure you complete this before August 30th. There will be a quiz on BAND following this training. I will post the quiz by the end of this month. Thank you!



Trafficking training video necessary for Summer Showdown competition

PSC, in cooperation with the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT), is pleased to provide all attendees with a 90 minute training video that provides a basic introduction to Human Trafficking, including the definition of human trafficking, laws against human trafficking, what human trafficking looks like in the US, how victims of human trafficking differ from victims of other crimes, evidence that officers should look for in human trafficking cases, and best policing tactics to combat human trafficking.  This training was specifically created for the Summer Showdown and speaks directly to the call for service you will receive from dispatch when you compete in July.  This training is proprietary to the LCHT for use only during the Summer Showdown and is not for distribution.  Whether competing or not, we encourage all cadets and mentors to use the link below to watch the training.  If you are competing in the human trafficking competition, you will find this training essential.